
Sina.com: China central bank established regulation on 18th, asks to stop all Bitcoin trading before April 15th.

This news is not officially confirmed.

The Chinese BTC price dived immediately after this news is pubilished, and now is bouncing back.

Stopping of BTC trading centres is actually a good news, because there's market maker inside and drink the retail-investor's blood.

As discussed in previous articles, China is a magic country, banning does not mean ceasing. There's strong need from corrupted government officers for Bitcoin. This market won't disappear.

Also, the regulation is from China central bank, an organization like FED, it has no legal right, so this banning doesn't mean trading Bitcoin in China is illegal.

It only means trading Bitcoin in China can not get any support from the Chinese banking system.  Deposite and withdrawal of RMB in Bitcoin exchange will become very difficult. Or, all exchanges will close. But it's OK to trading Bitcoin by cash in face-to-face markets like the stamp market.


19:20 Sina has change the wording to "murmur says...... not confirmed by Central bank" , maybe this is a fake news for the marketmaker to buy low

3-22:Sina has deleted this news. Proved as fake news.
